Latest sessions to parenting tips and everything in between, our blog is another way we like to connect with our customers. You may know us as the photography company in Denver, however, we want to continue or begin the conversation by connecting with things we love outside of photography. Each blog category below is not based off current trends or hot topics, but instead we created categories around our personalities, hobbies, and things we like to talk about around the office. We hope this gives you the opportunity to learn more about what we're passionate about, and we hope you join the conversation by leaving your thoughts in the comments – we're standing by to reply and join in a fun conversation.


Nina's Fitness Corner 

Fitness corner is such a cliche, but when I was tasked to write and source content for our blog that was the first name I came up with. I imagine a fitness corner as like an abandoned corner in the gym where the creepy guy with the ponytail hangs out and gives you tips on that "real core burn" you laugh but try his tip and, yeah it burns. You forever have respect for the fitness corner, that's what I'm going for here. I wouldn't consider myself a fitness guru by any means, but like you I like to read about how to improve my workout and get that "real core burn" :-)! In my "Fitness Corner" you'll find my favorite fitness related articles! 


We're a photography company so of course we're going to have a photography category! Here's our twist, it's not sourced from one of the photographers; instead is created and curated by me Traci the lead graphic designer at Think Darryl Photography. I work on nearly every photo that comes through our system, one way I increase my workflow is harnessing the power of Lightroom and Photoshop; and knowing the best ways to use both platforms. I love Lightroom for the simplicity and have built hundreds of presets that allow me to crank our quality work as quickly as possible. We though it would be fun to get my perspective on photography and of course Adobe products to provide a unique experience for you! 

From my family to yours

Darryl here, hello! If there's one thing I love more than photography, it's my family. Being able to spend more time with my family was one of the reasons I started Think Darryl Photography. I have two kids (Olivia 4, and Noah 10mo) and I'm always looking for fun things to do at home, making our home safer, better parenting, and tips that'll make our lives easier (lifehacks?). My family to yours blog is all about the articles I love, share with my wife, friends and family. Some of them are crazy, some serious, but all of them are great reads and personal recommendations! (If that means anything, Cheers and Enjoy)